Member BenefitsWhether you are a new or seasoned attorney, joining the Metropolitan Richmond Women’s Bar Association will enhance your life as an attorney! Members enjoy the camaraderie of fellow women attorneys from all facets of the legal practice. We offer our members monthly luncheon programs at a member rate of $30 and at least two continuing legal education (CLE) programs each year.Outside of our regular luncheon programming, we offer a free Ethics CLE to help our members satisfy the Virginia State Bar’s annual CLE requirements. We host several membership socials/happy hours throughout the bar year, as well as maintain a Lawyer Referral Directory to help members of the public find members of the MRWBA and who have expertise in various practice areas. Our members have many opportunities for professional and personal growth by participating in one or more of our numerous working committees, the mentorship program, and public service projects. We all struggle to balance work and personal life, so why walk that tightrope alone? Come join the MRWBA and experience an association that understands and offers a supportive atmosphere where you can develop friendships that will last a lifetime. We look forward to having you and your input! | Member Dues
* The following persons are eligible for Associate Membership: Any person who a) is a graduate of an accredited law school who is not admitted to practice law in any state and who resides or works in the Metro Richmond area or b) otherwise meets the qualifications for a Full Member but either does not reside or does not work within the Metro Richmond area. ** New Bar Admittees/Law Students/Recent Law School Graduates qualify to have their first year’s dues waived in full. ***Honorary Membership is available to individuals who are a) members of the Judiciary, b) retired Past Presidents of MRWBA or c) attorneys who work for legal aid. Contact us at if you would like to apply for this level. |