Celebrating 50 Years________________________ Welcome New (& Returning) Members!
________________________ Legislative Update Breakfast Scheduled for April 23, 2025Make plans to join MRWBA for breakfast at Willow Oaks Country Club on Wednesday, April 23, as we welcome a panel of Virginia Legislators to answer your questions about General Assembly action, or lack thereof, on issues of importance to our members. Do you have a question you would like our moderator to ask? We are seeking questions about key topics identified by members, including: voting rights, domestic relations, attorneys, courts and judges, health care, juvenile justice, and criminal law reform. If you have questions for our panelists, please submit them to admin@mrwba.org. We will share them with the panel members ahead of the program. ________________________ Other Upcoming Program DatesWe know how busy you are, so we wanted to be sure to share the upcoming program dates for MRWBA so you can get them on your calendar now.
Watch for details as soon as we confirm our programs. ________________________ MRWBA Seeks SponsorsMRWBA’s events are possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. These sponsorships provide an opportunity to promote your brand to a demographic of well-educated, professional women with an average salary of more than $100,000 per year. There are still opportunities to sponsor this year, or plan ahead and secure your sponsorship for the 2025-2026 Bar Year now! Email admin@mrwba.org for details. ________________ | Submit Your Nomination for the Woman of Achievement AwardAs our members know all too well, women lawyers often feel "invisible" to firm, corporate, and government leaders when it comes to being recognized for the work they do. To help us address this issue on a local level, each year the MRWBA Woman of Achievement Award recognizes a member who “exemplifies legal professionalism.” Our list of past honorees reads like a virtual Who’s Who of the Metro Richmond women's legal community, and we need your help to find the 2025 Woman of Achievement! All nominations are due no later than April 15. Click here for nomination criteria and the online form. You can also view a list of our past honorees. Questions? Email Awards Chair Ariel Hedgepeth. ________________________________________ Spring Mentorship Luncheon and Phoebe P. Hall Mentorship Award Presentation - April 4, 2025 Join us for our Spring Mentorship Luncheon at Williams Mullen on Friday, April 4, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to network and recognize the winner of this year's Phoebe P. Hall Mentorship Award. Phoebe had a career as a distinguished Virginia attorney and Rector of Virginia Commonwealth University. She was a pioneer in Virginia law when, in 1969, she co-founded Hall & Hall, PLC with her late husband, Franklin P. Hall, former leader of the Virginia General Assembly. In 2006, she was the winner of MRWBA’s Women of Achievement Award, and she was inducted into the inaugural class of the Virginia Lawyers Weekly Hall of Fame in 2018. Through the years she served as a mentor and friend to many young attorneys, and we are pleased to honor her legacy with this award. Click here to register for the luncheon.
________________________ Legislative Update Breakfast - April 23, 2025This event is just around the corner, so make plans now to join MRWBA for breakfast at Willow Oaks Country Club on Wednesday, April 23. We'll welcome a panel of Virginia Legislators to answer your questions about General Assembly action, or lack thereof, on issues of importance to our members.Panel Members:
Do you have a question you would like our moderator to ask? We are seeking questions about key topics identified by members, including: voting rights, domestic relations, attorneys, courts and judges, health care, juvenile justice, and criminal law reform. If you have questions for our panelists, please submit them to admin@mrwba.org. We will share them with the panel members ahead of the program. ________________________
________________________Rising Together: Strength Through UnityMRWBA is proud to partner with the National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL) for their 2025 Annual Meeting in July. All are welcome to join NAWL in Chicago for a day-and-a-half focused on the theme of Rising Together: Strength Through Unity. We hope to see you in Chicago on July 23-24! ________________________ |